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F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  Q U E S T I O N S

How many bundles will it take to fulfill a hairstyle?

This varies depending on what you want to achieve.

For example:2-3 packs (200g-300g) are enough for full head extensions.

1 pack (100g) can be used to add volume and body to your natural hair using tracks, bonding or clips


Why are my extensions tangling?

Your hair extensions can tangle due to dryness, oil & dirt build-up, salt water, chlorine and not combing (wide tooth comb) out your hair daily. Make sure to wash & condition your hair at least once a week, twice a week is better. Use hydrating drops or consult your stylist for more help. Also, with longer extensions tangling is inevitable 


How long does the hair extensions last?

Depending upon which quality of hair you have bought and how well you have taken care of it, will determine how long your hair will last. Customer have kept Necessities for 2 years.


Why are my extensions shedding?

Hair isn't magic, not only that a few strands is acceptable. Cutting the wefts isn't acceptable. Cutting the weft is like cutting a single braid that has been burned and melted to seal the ends. If your style consist of cutting the weft then wet concealer is recommended, but not promising


D A I L Y  M A I N T E N E N C E​



How should I keep up my hair each day?

Oil isn't needed because hair gradually picks up oil from every day living, adding to that will leave you with stiff and grimy extensions. A drop of hair oil is enough. Wrap your hair at night with a silk scarf or a bonnet. Heat helps but use HEAT PROTECTOR or you'll be frying your extensions as you would your actual hair. Using cheap flat irons will cause extensions too do the opposite of what the flatiron is being used for. Invest in your products for great results 


T O   D  O



  • Let air dry

  • Condition as much as you like 

  • Avoid alcohol products to avoid drying out hair 

  • Use a wide tooth comb or a wig brush 

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